Saturday, May 5, 2012

GEO Tri Color Blue

Never had problems with my contact lenses until I purchased a pair of circle lens from XXX blogshop a year ago. There were alot of online sprees going on, I would say majority are apparels and beauty products.

 Can't remember what was the exact lens series.What I do remember was the lens diameter was 14.8mm.
 I ordered the circle lens in brown color. The lens turned out to look more orange when it arrived. I thought the website might have put up a doctored pic of the lenses, the one I received should be the right color. 

Blood vessels became so dilated, sclera (white of the eye) of both eyes were red. And I thought(again!) it was normal since it was my first time wearing, my eyes probably needed time to adapt to a bigger diameter lens.

Two days of wearing were enough to put me through a month of blurred vision (even with my spectacles on)! And because I have myopia (roughly -7.00 one eye) and astigmatism, blurred vision back then, I had problems doing everything (reading from papers, phone, blah blah blah). So "blinded"!!

Lesson learnt: I figured I couldn't wear really big circle lenses. And also. Not sure of some matters? Ask and find out before plunging in. *CRIES*

Bloodshot eye after wearing the lenses.

Now that I'm all well and recovered. I decided to try other lenses again. ( 你看,是不是屁股痒?!)*打屁股* Anyway, SG has limited brands of colored lenses, you might still get one that suits you, but if you're think of exploring more colors and designs, you might want to consider purchasing online (warning: at your own risk ah).

Was really bored at home, so I cam-whored a little. Credits to Daddy, for his light and camera.

I'm wearing Geo Tricolor Blue in the pictures.

According to various websites.

Product Specification

Base Curve: 8.6mm
Diameter: 14mm
Water Content: 38%
Usuage Modality: Yearly Disposable

close up look

  • Enlargement: It does not make your peepers look bigger since it's 14mm, it's almost the same size as our iris.

  • Color: The lenses are tri-tone so it blends well with my eyes. But because I have dark brown eyes, you can't really notice the color in normal lighting. A natural and not over-doing.

  • Comfort: I tell you. 不舒服的!): I can barely wear for 3 hours. It made me tear so much. I guess its due to low water content and the lens being slightly thicker than my regular daily ones.

There shouldn't be any discomfort or redness of eyes if lenses suit us. I dumped this pair after this shoot. Eyes are more important yea? :D

Goodbye for now!

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