Friday, May 11, 2012

Sister's ROM & my Insomnia

My dear eldest cousin (mom's side), Candyce is getting engaged! Attended her ROM at HortPark on Wednesday (9may). Actual wedding day would be on a later date. 真为她高兴! We grew up together and she's just like a big sister to me. (: 我的姐姐要嫁人了。 *happy tears*
On my way to HortPark. 要迟到了!
The ceremony started minutes after Mommy & I reached. In time! (:
Candyce was so beautiful in her little white dress. Makes me wanna ROM now too! >.< Well, I'm just kidding. Many of our relatives were there to witness her important day too. Blessings from everyone!

Pic taken from Candyce's fb. That's my uncle, his wife & their 2 adorable kids with my 姐姐 & 姐夫!

I wish them 永结同心,永远甜蜜!
 Anyway, to my little problem recently...

Have you ever come across this problem? Being physically dead tired but just couldn't fall asleep? I'm like this now. Has been days when I do not have ample rest. Can't figure what is exactly bothering, I'm simply too restless to fall asleep.

Silly me. I looked up the internet to find ways to sleep better which I should be able to follow. :p These are some ways:

  1. Sleep and wake up at the same time everyday.
  2. Avoid computer use before bedtime. (i'm gonna stop watching *Running Man an hour before bedtime!)
  3. Write out a “worry list” or “to-do list” of bothersome matters before bed to help my mind disengage.
  4. Snack on protein and complex carbohydrates up to one hour before bed to enlist the aid of these naturally calming compounds. (muahahaha.! my favourite among the four!)
  5. Exercise!
Night run (:

*Running Man: A variety game show from Korea. Heard good reviews on the show so I started watching and I CAN'T STOP! I can't watch them while I eat because I cannot stop laughing (LOL!!). They have many episodes. You can find them in webby like youtube & funshion. (: I guarantee a great laughing session!

The regulars in Running Man

Goodbye for now!

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