Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Caught a Flu Bug!

Have been feeling unwell for the past few days. And it got worst today. Woke up with a running tap nose and a nasty cough. I could barely move my aching body.

Daddy was out early morning. Glad that Mommy came by to buy me breakfast although she has been sick for the last few days too. (Thank You, Mom! Love you very muchie!).
Nothing can compare with the love showered by parents.
So real, true and without a reason.

Mommy bought Laksa, Char Tow Kway and beancurd. More like a brunch already.
I didn't finish all or course!

I shared them with Mommy. (: 

Really excited over tomorrow's dinner. Would be having dinner buffet with Baby and his family.
Gonna blog about the dinner after tomorrow!

Goodbye for now!
Need a good rest. Preparing to conquer the buffet spread! Woohoo!!

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